Education / Training – Seminars
Education, Psychoeducation,
and Seminars / Workshops / Labs at “Psychonisida” Center
The Counseling, Psychotherapy, Supervision, Research and Education/Training Center “Psychonisida” that was founded by Dr. Afroditi Papaioannou-Spiroulia, supports Education, Psychoeducation and Seminars that revolve around the fields of Psychology, Counseling, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience and Multicultural Education. For more specific information, supported activities of the Center are listed below:
Psychoeducation of individuals, families, patients, and caregivers, so that ‘the person being supported’ gains knowledge of the condition he/she is experiencing, the factors that are inextricably linked to their condition, as well as how they can contribute to its management. Psychoeducation is based on techniques and tools that stem from a variety of scientific approaches, such as: Marte Meo (Counseling and Psychoeducation Program/Technique), CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy), MI (Motivational Interviewing) and the Use of various Art Forms.
Education/Training of specialists in the field of mental health, with the aim of strengthening their training for more effective support of themselves as professionals and their ‘persons being supported’. The training focuses mainly on Marte Meo Counseling and Psychoeducation Technique (obtaining the title of ‘Marte Meo Practitioner’), Clinical Workshops, Clinical Group Labs focusing on sources and case studies processing and experiential and practical Seminars.
Seminars / Workshops / Labs with experiential, practical, scientific, informative nature, focusing on mental health, psychotherapy, cognitive processing, and mental rehabilitation.
To be able to support the above mention activities and achieve its goals, “Psychonisida” is not only supported by its Founder and Scientific Supervisor, Dr. Afroditi Papaioannou-Spiroulia, but also in collaboration with main and external Experts, such as psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, social workers, nutritionists, academics and other professionals, who reinforce its work with specialized knowledge and with the basic principle of the effectiveness of interdisciplinary action.