Research and Scientific Activities of “Psychonisida”Center

The Counseling, Psychotherapy, Supervision, Research and Education/Training Center “Psychonisida”, founded and supervised by Dr. Afroditi Papaioannou-Spiroulia, supports the conduction of research and generally a series of scientific activities focusing on mental health issues, psychotherapy, cognitive processing, and mental rehabilitation.

To be able to support the above mention activities and achieve its goals, “Psychonisida” Center is not only supported by its Founder and Scientific Supervisor, Dr. Afroditi Papaioannou-Spiroulia, but also collaborates with main and external Experts, who reinforce its work with specialized knowledge and with the basic principle of the effectiveness of interdisciplinary action. Additionally, an important part of the Center’s activities is supported by Mental Health Professional Trainees in Practicum status (Internship).

Indicatively, the scientific activities supported by the Center are the following: