Social Actions of “Psychonisida” Center

The Counseling, Psychotherapy, Supervision, Research and Education/Training Center “Psychonisida”, founded and supervised by Dr. Afroditi Papaioannou-Spiroulia, supports a wide range of social actions to inform and raise awareness in all of us in issues related with everyday challenges, to form a more conscious, sensitized and functional individual and social identity.

To be able to support the above social actions, “Psychonisida” Center is not only supported by its Founder and Scientific Supervisor, Dr. Afroditi Papaioannou-Spiroulia, but also collaborates with main and external Experts,who reinforce its work with specialized knowledge, long experience in the field of interest, awareness of mental health issues, love for people and society, acceptance and respect for diversity and openness to teamwork to offer to the wider community. Additionally, a significant part of the social actions is supported by the Mental Health Professionals Trainees in Practicum status (Internship).


Indicatively, the social actions of the Center are the following: